Ectoberry cereal

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Item Number: 1774
Description ID: 92639242
(view in-game)


ectoberry cereal
Plural: bowls of ectoberry cereal
Yum! A big bowl of sugary ectoplasm! Sure it doesn't make any sense, but how can you resist cereal with a cute cartoon ghost as its mascot? Grab a spoon, dig in, and don't worry: I won't tell your mother that you aren't eating Horkin' Fiber Chunks.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 20
Contains sugar (2)

How Obtained

Multi-using 10 ectobits

When Consumed

Despite being named after the ectoberries, they represent only a small fraction of the contents of your bowl. Most of the rest of the sugary breakfast is filled with little ghosts, tombstones, and other spooky icons. Best of all, you don't even have to add milk--the ectoplasm keeps the whole dish cold and moist for you!

Clock-white.gif Bedtime: +20-25 minutes

Using multiple: Same as single use


  • The description and use message refer to Boo Berry cereal.