Flask of bunsens

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Item Number: 2180
Description ID: 15737311
(view in-game)

flask of bunsens
Plural: beakers of bunsens
Filled to the brim with bunsens, saved from their most dangerous natural predator, this flask could act as a source for valuable allies. They're kind of explosive, but who doesn't love an explosion every now and then?

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 250

How Obtained

Using an empty flask on a ghostly bunsen burner.

When Used

You take pity on the trapped bunsens and release them. They go into orbit around you, creating a cloud of invisible, tasteless, odorless, highly flammable gas with an unfortunate habit of setting sidekicks on fire.

You gain an effect: Bunsen Aura. (Added for 120 minutes.)

Using multiple: Same as single use