Kinak's birthday
Kinak's birthday occurs on August 31st, every year, no exception. On this glorious day, each player gets a message from Kinak, and a celebratory consumable with which to celebrate the occasion.
It's time for birthday cheer and, with it, birthday cake!
Let's just say there's no party like a barbarian birthday party and leave it at that. For those of you who couldn't make it, there's still some cake!
It's Kinak's birthday, which means it's time for a party! Barring a party, at least enjoy some of the cake.
It's my birthday and I'll give out cake if I want to, even if that cake must be fetched from the darkest depths of the Black Forest and stored in the freezer until serving.
Happy Birthday! Errr... to me, I guess. Anyway, if you like your parties geeky and your food old-fashioned, have I got the cake for you!
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! You're all invited to roll some cake and eat some dice... or something like that.
One of the benefits of learning to bake is you can make whatever kind of birthday cake you want. And one of the benefits of learning to code is that you can really make whatever kind of birthday cake you want. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my birthday and here's to another great year of baking and coding.
Hey everyone! It's my birthday and I figured that, while I'm at it, I might as well share my cheesecake. Mmmmmm cheesecake.
- The message for the 2016 occurrence refers to the lyrics "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to".
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