Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This
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Following the directions Rand gives you, you find yourself looking through a chain link fence surrounding the Unborn's base. A weather-battered sign on the fence tells you that this is Base Cochise. As you've never much worried about the names of quasi-military installations in various deserts, you aren't sure why you care about the base's name, but you figure it'll be handy to know.
You know, in case you need to fight in a different base at some point. Sure would be embarrassing to confuse the two.
Formalities aside, you take a moment to scan the surrounding area while you're cutting your way through the fence. To describe it as a "barren wasteland" seems redundant (being in the middle of a desert and all), but you can't think of any other way to describe it. It's like the archetypal "barren wasteland."
There are bits of destroyed walls all over the place; seems they like to do live-fire exercises out here. And considering all the drones and soldiers wandering around, you're probably in the middle of one right now. Lucky you! It also looks like you'll have to fight your way through this mess to get to the base.
Man... there's got to be a better way.
- One-time adventure.
- Part of the Trouble in the Wasteland quest.
- The title refers to the song "Mama Said" by The Shirelles.