Talk:Rejected Rogue Ranch

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Here's everything I got on enemies:

You are fighting a horrifically harsh hawk.

This is an anthropomorphic hawk (no, not Harvey Birdman) that takes no guff from nobody. Not only does he "tell it like it is", but he also has a wicked-sharp beak to peck at you with. He's really quite unpleasant.

Your opponent attacks ... He rushes up to peck at you, but you heed my warning and block with a cuttle-bone.

Your opponent attacks ... Kaw! Kaw! SPLAT! Seems he didn't pull out of his dive fast enough. Ouch.

You gain 128 experience.

You got an item: carbonated cadmium calipers

You got an item: gossamer glass goblet

You got an item: random raggedy rod

You are fighting a lazy and lethargic lizard.

It's not that this lizard doesn't care, it's just that it spent all day soaking up the sun, and it's having a hard time getting itself ready to fight. But make no mistake, it really wants to hurt you, just as soon as it isn't so sleepy.

Your opponent attacks ... It suddenly stretches and starts fumbling around to find the snooze button.

Your opponent attacks ... It considers biting your leg, but just lets out another tired yawn instead.

You gain 121 experience.

You got an item: random raggedy rod

You are fighting a red raging robot.

Much as the name implies, this is a robot, which is mad, and happens to be red. You aren't sure why it's raging, but it might have something to do with that monkey virus out of London.

Your opponent attacks ... It pummels and pounds you, but is about as effective in combat as a Furby.

You gain 131 experience.

You got an item: random raggedy rod

You are fighting a stealthily sneaking sniper.

You might expect all snipers to be of the stealthy sort, and you'd be right. But don't try telling this guy, or he'll get mad at you. Then again, since he's shooting at you already, I suppose it doesn't much matter if he's ticked off.

Your opponent attacks ... He throws a liquid of questionable origin at you. Turns out it's just well water.

Your opponent attacks ... He tries to shoot you with a revolver, but misses. Maybe he didn't know how to use it.

Your opponent attacks ... He tries to lay down some suppressive fire, but he's just one man.

You gain 125 experience.

You are fighting a mercilessly menacing mastodon.

This giant mastodon was frozen in ice until it was thawed out a few years ago. Like the caveman it was frozen next to, this modern world frightened and confused it. Unlike that caveman, it didn't become an attorney. Instead, it went on a rampage and ended up here at the ranch.

Your opponent attacks ... It tries to wrap its trunk around you, but you point out that you have your own luggage, and don't need its.

Your opponent attacks ... Being considerably smaller than it, you easily dodge as it tries to stomp you.

You gain 128 experience.

You got an item: gossamer glass goblet

You are fighting a boisterously bragging brawler.

Some times, the name tells you everything. Villains are especially good at picking names that directly apply to what they do. For instance, if you're fighting a guy named 8-Ball, he's probably a billiards-themed villain. Likewise, this dude is just like he sounds: a fighter who won't shut up.

Your opponent attacks ... He tries a bit of rope-a-dope, but it's more soap-on-a-rope.

Your opponent attacks ... He slugs you in the gut, but because of your awesome, super-heroic abs, you don't even notice.

Your opponent attacks ... He swings at you, trying to land a haymaker, but you counter with a pitchfork.

You gain 125 experience.

You got an item: wiggling wombat whiskers

You got an item: wiggling wombat whiskers

You are fighting a redundant red raging robot.

Much as the name implies, this is a robot, which is mad, and happens to be red. You aren't sure why it's raging, but it might have something to do with that monkey virus out of London. This one, however, is just superfluous.

Your opponent attacks ... It rips out some of its wires. Not the wisest of plans.

Your opponent attacks ... It pummels and pounds you, but is about as effective in combat as a Furby.

You gain 131 experience.

You got an item: carbonated cadmium calipers

You are fighting the triumphant and terrible titan.

This dude is huge! You're not sure how you didn't notice him before, but he's all ready to throw down with you regardless. It seems he takes a dim view of you thrashing his minions and wants to have a few words with you about it. Except that in this case "words" is code for "smashing your face in."

Your opponent attacks ... He bellows in rage and flexes, shredding even more of his clothes. You point and laugh and he slinks off to change.

Your opponent attacks ... Since he's so full of testosterone, you deploy the one thing that can stop him: clips from romantic comedies.

Your opponent attacks ... He raises a massive, impossibly muscled arm to hit you, but you mock him as a throw-back to horrible 90's comics.

You gain 138 experience.

You got an item: infinitesimal ionized ingot

You got an item: carbonated cadmium calipers

You got an item: random raggedy rod

You got an item: luxurious leather lanyard

You got an item: gossamer glass goblet

You got an item: positively purple phone

You got an item: wiggling wombat whiskers


Is there a reason why the wiggling wombat whiskers are written twice as item drops with the boisterously bragging brawler? C-Gon 20:48 GMT 2010/8/15

It is because he can drop 2 of them at once. See pit fiends and their claws. --bm615