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Sidekick benefit: Attracts villains, interferes with opponents, and can make mad chips Max level: 20

Don't know how much it attracts villains.

Observed after-combat messages for the mad chips, at level 147, with +100% sidekick effectiveness, against high level foes; message and chip drops depend on how many rounds the fight took:
1 round: By the time you've cleaned up after the fight Ynnejrepus has already sold the movie and toy rights for it. You gain 563 chips.
2 rounds: By the time the fight's done, Ynnejrepus is already selling the rights for the novelization. You gain 309 chips.
3 rounds: Ynnejrepus uses a few seconds after the fight to talk up your marketability with the studio. You gain 153 chips.
4+ rounds: Ynnejrepus doesn't have time left over after the fight to handle the rights. It's a shame, because the choreography was top notch.

Limit for chip drops for 1-round in that scenario (including wandering/static villains) seems to be roughly 550-650 (over hundreds combats). For comparison (a few combats each), zion tear's buildin has roughly 177-211, inner unborn sanctum is 269-293, CTC trainers 429-503, your neighborhood 21.

Observed in-combat messages (not always); all observed in abandoned chemistry lab:
Ynnejrepus complains furiously until your opponent agrees to a costume change. It almost has to be less protective; fanservice and proper armor rarely go hand in hand. (-20, -22 defense?)
Ynnejrepus gets tired of waiting for the fight to end and takes some promotional photos of your opponent. They're momentarily blinded by the brilliant flash. (1 round stagger?)
Ynnejrepus insists your opponent aim in line with Interstellar Minions Local 501 regulations. (-24,-23,-22 accuracy?)
[after 'your opponent attacks', attack was psychical; is this from this or expendable lad?] It doesn't bother Ynnejrepus at all, so you tough it out rather than risk embarrassing yourself. Ynnejrepus makes some updates to the choreography so there are more clean hits in the promo shots. Your opponent reluctantly agrees. (-23, -22 dodge)
Ynnejrepus makes a gigantic fuss until your foe switches over to a new, kid-friendly weapon. (-20 offense)

Observed propensity of combat actions:
rounds: ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... // 40
complains: ..... // 5
tired: ..... ... // 8
insists: . // 1
updates: ... // 3
fuss: .. // 2
That's a total 38/80=47.5% rate, probably really 50%, and each action is probably 12.5%.

--XKiv (talk) 12:02, 8 March 2014 (PST)

I think that if I win initiative, then first round of combat "doesn't count" for the chip-giving. I get the same chips when I win in two moves as I get when I win in one move. IOW, what counts is the round number, and winning initiative starts at round zero. --XKiv (talk) 18:24, 11 January 2015 (PST)