User talk:The Gannet

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need somewhere to put things... Joke Day Convention

What About Sinplay or Tangentplay? As you're strolling around the convention hall, a bunch of people start taking your picture. You aren't sure what's going on, but it eventually becomes clear that they think you're some kind of cosplayer. They don't get your costume, but it's so crazy, it must be from something really obscure! The guy running the booth you're standing in front of gives you some swag in return for blocking someone else's displays. You got an item: colossal jawbreaker juggling clubs You got an item: cloak of limited visibility shotgun of volatile enmity

Yup You spend some time weaving from booth to booth, looking at the latest in jokester technology. You talk to a few people and generally have an enjoyable time. Somewhere along the way, you notice that one of those people tossed a freebie into your bag. You got an item: juggling clubs motivational DVD crossbow stock registry cleaner You got an item: broadsword of amorphous hatred

Woof Woof After walking around so much, your feet are just killing you and you need to take a break. Sure, you're a hero and you're used to ... um ... swashbuckling? I dunno, whatever it is you do in that freaky outfit. Anyway, walking a convention hall is different, okay? Quit pointing out inconsistencies! Look, if you quit looking at me like that, someone will walk over and give you some free convention loot. Deal? You got an item: crossbow stock

Um, What's This? You troll the floor looking for goodies, but when you get to the end of the row the only thing new you've picked up is a Chinese takeout menu. I guess it beats getting a rock for Halloween. Barely. You got an item: Chinese takeout menu

It Was Worth It You're standing in line for a wicked-cool demonstration, when you see a mother moving up and down the line, looking frantic. Your heroing instincts kick into gear, and you ask her the problem the next time she swings by. Turns out, her son is desperate to get into this demonstration, but the line stretches all the way out the building. With a heavy sigh, you offer her your place in line. She thanks you profusely, giving you the tchotchke she'd been carrying. It's hard out here for a hero. You got an item: colossal jawbreaker

broadsword of amorphous hatred

You got an item: unrequited lovers' locket

Press Pass? What Press? Oh, cool! The new Jokester 7500 is being demonstrated at one end of the hall, but ... it's for press only? Oh, man, what a rip-off! While you're fuming about that, an astute competitor swings over and gives you a quick pitch for their items. He also gives you some swag. Score! You got an item: colossal jawbreaker

didn't start tracking til almost out of turns but didn't look like the items were tied to any specific text except chineese food. not sur ethough