Talk:Snowhound: Difference between revisions

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how to easily determine value of item finders (snowdays help!)
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Latest revision as of 18:44, 27 January 2015


ZZZZZ TotalCombats ZZZZZ 634

aquatic landshark bot 81
bass bot 80
Delta Queen 66
jellyfish bot 76
Prowler 68
Rho Master 80
squid bot 91
Upsilon-Iota Bot 84
Villains 8

Drops: (echolocation maxed+snowhound)

ball 304 |\
sleet 79 |=> 480 snow items
icicle 97 |/
enerbun 465

Formula=> (Observed rate) = (base rate)*(1,2+snowhound)

> Snowhound = [(Observed rate)/(base rate)]-1,2

Base rate for both enerbun and snow items is 50%, so

> Snowhound = 2*(Observed rate)-1,2

Observe rate for enerbun is 465/626 = 0.74281
Observe rate for snow is 480/634 = 0.75720

Applying the formula, snowhound effect is between 0.29 or 0.31.

Therefore it increases drop rates by 30%.

Patojonas  10:44, 27 January 2015 (PST)