Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry ...

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You're trying to sneak around in the back of the house, but someone in a casino uniform walks right up to you and grabs you by the arm. "Hey, they're waiting for you!" she insists. You'd rather not get arrested for trespassing, so you play along. The woman leads you to a room full of shouting children and a couple of bored-looking adults, where, apparently, you're supposed to be the entertainment for a birthday party.

Whipping out the most impressive of your gadgets and using all of the heroic skills, you manage to put together what you think is a pretty impressive show. The kids quickly get bored, though and in just a few minutes they're playing musical chairs and completely ignoring you. The mother of the birthday boy slips you a few chips for your trouble, and soon you're on your way.

You gain 15-20 experience. You gain 22-25 chips.



  • The title refers to the Ace of Base song "Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry", which contains the lyrics "Never gonna say I'm sorry, I'm a clown for everyone".