The Girl Two Doors Down

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Revision as of 07:52, 17 November 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)

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The Girl Two Doors Down

You are fighting The Girl Two Doors Down.

This is the girl two doors down, who doesn't get noticed because the cute and wholesome girl next door gets all the attention. Lonely and ignored, she took up a life of crime in order to get some attention, whatever it takes.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:
Unspecified Message

She hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! She hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:
Unspecified Message

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! She takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Chips-white.gif You gain ?-45-73-? chips.

You gain (8*Level, cap 400) experience.

You got an item: The Girl Two Doors Down Placeholder Noimage2.gif (Guaranteed Drop)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Former resistances were Verified to have no resistances or weaknesses., remember to remove this information from the page when resistances are spaded.


Villain.png This enemy is a static Villain.