Category:Frusion Enemies

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Revision as of 15:34, 25 January 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (no replication)
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Frusion enemies are special enemies that currently exist only in Hyde Park streets.

  • They require EEK meter to be worn.
  • They feed on PP rather than HP. They require between 1 and 99 PP to fight.
  • Sidekicks cannot attack or block frusion enemies. Instead you get the message:

Your sidekick can't see your opponent, and just tries to stay out of the way.

  • When a frusion enemy drains you out of PP the fight ends with the following message:

Your opponent finishes off every last bit of energy you possess. You still feel okay, but the frusion creature doesn't seem to have any more interest in you, and fades away. You're going to have to keep your energy levels up if you want to keep the attention of the frusion creatures long enough to defeat them.

The fight is now over, and it's not pretty.

  • These foes never seem to fumble. Critical hits are preceded with "Critical hit!", and take double the PP.
  • Cannot be replicated by [deja voodoo doll]] or Bungee lasso.