Talk:000000 Gold

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Revision as of 18:11, 13 October 2012 by Yingxiong (talk | contribs)

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Finally I remembered and upped noncombats, and soon started getting those - at 3:04:30, 3:20:30, 3:24:30 (two datamited data mites in between) and 4:08:30; I had two improved computer interaction items for this (datashirt and stone nose). --XKiv 15:44, 12 October 2012 (PDT)

It seems having impeded computer interaction greatly boosts the 3rd outcome, anyone confirms? Patojonas 05:34, 13 October 2012 (PDT)

Confirmed the trend on my main, yesterday only got it twice, today there was a lot more occurrences. Patojonas 06:57, 13 October 2012 (PDT)

I tend to associate 'black gold' with politics. :P According to Wikipedia, Black Gold is also associated with Petroleum, Coal, Coffee, Black pepper, African slaves during the slave trade, Opium poppy, Compost, Blackberries, Human hair, Guinness, Marmite, Bling. It doesn't have to be oil. Also, is there some other requirement? I don't seem to be getting this at all. -Yingxiong