The Wok of Stars

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Revision as of 16:49, 21 February 2008 by Klown Slayer (talk | contribs) (Store)

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This little shop on a busy street appears at first glance to be a small walk-up Chinese restaurant, but as you approach you realize the giant wok sitting just behind the counter is full of little gold and silver stars. On the back wall of the shop, which isn't much bigger than a carnival booth, various colorful and interesting items hang on the walls. A wizened vendor smiles and nods as you approach.

"We only deal in stars here," he says in slightly accented English. "I'll trade gold stars for silver stars, and I'll trade silver stars for anything else." You currently have X silver stars and Y gold stars.


Item Price
Pouch-lost-things.gif Pouch of Many Lost Things 10 silver stars
Gold-star.gif Gold Star 10 silver stars
Silver-star.gif Silver Star 1 gold star