Pilant's Hardware and Soft Wear

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Revision as of 16:24, 21 February 2008 by Klown Slayer (talk | contribs)

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This is the store for hardware and clothing. It kind of looks like your average neighborhood Sarget, or possibly a Tears, but because it's open after dark the selection is worse and the prices are higher.


Item Price
denim jacket 20 chips Denim-jacket.gif
denim pants 20 chips Denim-pants.gif
extension cord 20 chips Computer-cables.gif
flashlight 20 chips Flashlight.gif
hammer 20 chips Hammer.gif
leather gloves 20 chips Leather-gloves.gif
padded tights 20 chips Padded-tights.gif
sneakers 20 chips Sneakers.gif
denim overalls 40 chips Overalls.gif
skateboard 40 chips Skateboard.gif
bicycle 80 chips Bicycle.gif
kneepads 80 chips Kneepads.gif
eponymous nail gun 120 chips Nail-gun.gif
ubiquitous chainsaw 120 chips Chainsaw.gif