Cosmic sugar crystals
This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING: time and pp gain |
cosmic sugar crystals
Plural: clumps of cosmic sugar crystals
Making rock candy is a long and proud tradition on Earth... also, apparently, in whatever dimension this came from. It just happens that their rock candy shimmers and vibrates with an odd energy.
Don't worry! It's perfectly safe! At least, I mean, it's perfectly safe for people from that dimension. The approval process at the Bureau of Transdimensional Confections takes ages, so you'll just have to try it and see.
Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 10
Autosell value: 35
Contains sugar (1)
How Obtained
When Consumed
You crunch down on the sugar crystals. They're just like normal sugar crystals except they expand your mind... and irradiate you. One of those leaves you with X PP more than you started with.
Bedtime: +?-12-14-? minutes |
Using multiple: Same as single use
- X ranges from ?-30-39-?.