Talk:Creepy Old House

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Revision as of 14:16, 17 June 2009 by Neocamp22 (talk | contribs) (Added table)

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Furnace of Yeb (+50% weapon damage, +50 fire damage, +10% of weapon damage returned as HP)
2 glasses of Leng
1 milk of Shupnikkurat
1 Nathian sphere shard
3 seeds of Azathoth
1 squamous leather
2 samples of The Black
50,000 chips

Mirror of Nitocris
4 glasses of Leng
2 vials of milk of Shupnikkurat
3 Nathian sphere shards
1 seed of Azathoth
50,000 chips

Pallid Mask (Allows soul gazing., +10 XP per combat, +20% Strength, +20% Intellect, +20% Reflexes)
2 glasses of Leng
1 milk of Shupnikkurat
5 squamous leathers
2 samples of The Black
50,000 chips

Ring of Solis
3 glasses of Leng
3 Nathian sphere shards
3 seeds of Azathoth
1 The Black
50,000 chips

There's also a Torch of Nug, but in my excitement I didn't record it and instead bought it. And this isn't all of them, I think. It's hard to say still. --MN (#228) (T|C) 05:36, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

Furnace of Yeb doesn't have 10% HP sap, that's Torch of Nug. Furnace is the ranged 'copy' with +5 ranged attacks. - Satan

Trident of Nodens (ranged, +attacks, PP%/HP% leech, assorted elemental)
2 Lemurian fragments
1 poisonous hide
1 seed of Azathoth
1 The Black
30,000 chips

Crystallizer of Dreams (offhand, +%physical resist, +spell damage, +%init)
3 Lemurian fragments
2 seeds of Azathoth
30,000 chips

Vambraces of the Star Spawn (gloves, -toughness, 10 damage to attacker, -fumble chance)
2 poisonous hides
1 horrid tentacle
2 squamous leathers
30,000 chips

Robe of Summanus (full body, +noncombats, +criticals, +%ele resist, +reputation modifiers)
1 Lemurian fragment
1 poisonous hide
1 seed of Azathoth
2 squamous leathers
30,000 chips

More stuff; less straight-up powerful, but it fills the other equipment slots quite nicely, along with offering a less brute-force approach to things. I've also come into possession of a Shining Trapezohedron (accessory, +noncombats, +10HP/turn, +~3 new sidekick summons per day), though I didn't bother recording the recipe for that. --JazzTap 06:02, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

If someone has a level 29 character, please don't level up, because after acquiring the dreamer's clock, the old man refuses to see you until you level up. I forgot to save the text so someone else needs to get it. -PKProStudio

  Glasses of Leng Horrid Tentacles Lemurian Fragments Vials of Milk of Shupnikkurat Nathian Sphere Shards Poisonous Hides Seeds of Azathoth Shan Carapace Squamous Leathers Strange Fungi Samples of the Black Pieces Tok'l Ore Chips
Misericorde of the Squid   3         1       1   30000
Trident of Nodens     2     1 1       1   30000
Crystallizer of Dreams     3       2           30000
Vambraces of the Star Spawn   1       2     2       30000
Robe of Summanus     1     1 1   2       30000
Scourge of Souls             1 2 3   1 1 40000
N'Gah-Kthun's Lancer             2     1 1 4 40000
Polar Star             4 2   2     40000
Treader of the Dust's Sandals             1 2 3 1 1   40000
Shining Trapezohedron             3 1   2   2 40000
Torch of Nug 1     1 1   3   1   2   50000
Furnace of Yeb 2     1 1   3       2   50000
Mirror of Nitocris 4     2 3   1           50000
Pallid Mask 2     1         5   2   50000
Ring of Solis 3       3   3       1   50000
  12 4 6 5 8 4 26 7 16 6 12 7 600000

Is this table useful to anyone? --neocamp22