Black box
black box
Plural: Unknown; currently impossible to determine
Inside this black box are recorders for time, geophysical location, temperature, humidity, acceleration, and deceleration; video recorders of your foe; chemical analyzers of your sweat; spectral analyzers for the powers unleashed by you or your opponents; audio compression and analysis tools; air quality samplers; and about half a dozen meters of more questionable merit (the aura interpreter isn't talking about the psion aura, for instance, and the I Ching caster, Electric Sheep subliminizer, and Electric Monk guilt processor seem to be right out.) Weirdly, the one thing it doesn't have is a compass.
Offhand Item
Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold
Collects crime data for Dirk Douglass.
Rental equipment is lost at rollover
How Obtained
Accept Dirk's job at Magnum Matlock MacGyver De-Mysterizers