Row-bot Base

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Row-bot Base
Location: The Space Station
Unlocks: after Space Robots!

You approach the Row-bot base and quickly find Alpha Prime. It's hard to hide a ship that size.

"Hello, human. We don't really need your assistance, but I would be willing to negotiate an exchange of services if you could locate some superconductor chips for us. I believe that 11 chips is a worthwhile goal."

  • Chips requested increases as other bases' requests are fulfilled:
Bases Complete Number of chips required
0 11
1 13
2 15

After fulfilling 1 opponent base request

"Hello, human. We don't really need your assistance, but I would be willing to negotiate an exchange of services if you could locate some superconductor chips for us. It appears that you have been negotiating with the other, inferior, robot groups. We now require 13 superconductor chips to negotiate satisfactorily."

After fulfilling the request

Alpha Prime takes the superconductors. "You have my thanks, human. Allow me to demonstrate my gratitude, with this reward." You got an item: plastiscanner Plastiscanner.gif

"If you locate more of these superconductors, we will provide a re-energizing service as reciprocation."

After obtaining reward

Alpha Prime greets you and introduces you to his medical officer, Cratchet. Cratchet says, "I think I've properly determined many of the key values involved in human healing and restoration. I've got a couple of things that might help you: either a restorative treatment here at the base, or an insta-restore capsule that you can use for quick healing while in a fight. I'd be happy to trade you either option for a superconductor chip."

You currently have X superconductor chips.

Pick something to trade for Price
A re-invigoration treatment here at the base 1 superconductor chip
Insta-restore-capsule.gif flash-restore capsule 1 superconductor chip