Bowling ball

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Item Number: 1187
Description ID: 4059725
(view in-game)

bowling ball
Plural: bowling balls
This is a bowling ball. It looks like you could go bowling with it, like Ryme will be on his birthday.

On closer inspection, there's a name scratched into it: Virgil. You wonder if it's the Virgil, the most famous bowler since Homer.

On even closer inspection, you realize this bowling ball has a cork in it. Prying off the cork, you take a little sniff. Holy secret compartments, Fleidermousman! Somebody has hollowed this thing out and filled it with Bray energy drink. What kind of fiendish scoundrel (by which I mean wonderful person) would do that?!

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 5
Item cannot be auto-sold
Contains caffeine (6)

How Obtained

Ryme's birthday


  • "Holy secret compartments, Fleidermousman!" refers to the catch-phrase "Holy (insert), Batman!" used often by Robin in the Batman TV series. Though in German a bat is "Fledermaus", as Ryme stated, this is just "a silly made-up mishmash of English and German. Call it 'Germish' if you will."