Talk:The Mick

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Elemental choice

I'm going to start adding my experience with elements until the pattern emerges:

Equal resistances choice
yellow pink blue red gray green green pink gray
blue red gray green blue
red green gray pink pink
green yellow gray blue green yellow gray
no resistances green pink grey
--Muhandes 04:19, 28 September 2010 (PDT)

Blue Chip and other drops

Myself level 30 with 407 HP, Mick gave 829 XP and had 651 HP (434 TNT hit). I got blue chip and candy. --Muhandes 04:46, 28 September 2010 (PDT)

Fought him with 4 characters: level 70 Naturalist, won the first time, got the gorilla vest and thunderbolt(and chip - it's guaranteed, apparently).
level 50 elementalist, lost many times, got only the chip.
level 50 gadgeteer, lost once, got chip and thunderbolt.
level 50 psion, lost once, got chip and thunderbolt.
Edivad 04:58, 28 September 2010 (PDT)

Hey guys, just though I'd add my experience... I was a level 25 Elementalist, lost to him several times, got only the chip. --Prestige 07:16, 29 September 2010 (PDT)
So far I beat him on my three chars on different lvls, got only chip always. It seems that elemental is hardest, the only class I can't beat him with. I tried pumping spell dmg, other time going with max resistances, now I pile up absorbation gear, maybe this will work --Shikao 07:54, 29 September 2010 (PDT)
I'm thinking the drops might be related to the amount of adjusting he does. fought him when he only adjusted defense and got NOTHING. not even a blue chip. --Muhandes 07:16, 1 October 2010 (PDT)
Hmm, now I wish I had copied down the messages when I fought him as a level 11 nat. I know I got only one "Not liking what he senses..." message, but I don't remember what stat it referred to. I also got only a blue chip in that run. --Prestige 07:28, 1 October 2010 (PDT)

Got in on all 4 chars on first runs and so far 1 in 3 second runs. Also noticed that last time I got chip was after seeing "Apparently feeling cocky, the Mick picks up a coin from his desk, flips it once, and drops it into a pocket."--Shikao 09:44, 6 October 2010 (PDT)

I think those messages are the hints. If people can be specific as to what message they got and what dropped it would be great. So far I can say what I got:
  • No message: no drops
  • he Mick takes a moment to clear a couple of things: coin + 2 other drops.
I can also say I got those messages after excessively buffing myself, and getting at least two adjustments.
--Muhandes 14:34, 6 October 2010 (PDT)
I wonder what the "coin flipping" message means. In my last run, I lost to him several times, but at the beginning of combat, I sometimes got the coin message and sometimes didn't, even though my buffs and equipment were (as far as I can recall) the same during multiple attempts. --Prestige 15:58, 6 October 2010 (PDT)
I had only one adjustment when I got coin and all possible Naturalist buffs at that moment + yellow pill. I lost the first time and on second attempt, adjustemnts were exactly the same. --Shikao 22:06, 6 October 2010 (PDT)
I just the "flip a coin message" which only got me the blue chip. Anecdotal, but so far it works. "flip a coin" = blue chip. "clear a couple of things" = 3 items. --Muhandes 02:06, 7 October 2010 (PDT)

Fought him again, got the 'shield', 'evasive subroutine activated' and 'coin' special messages at the start. He only dropped a blue chip. add-on: level 11 gadgeteer, had LOTS of buffs on(no item restrictions run), and had a significant amount of +dodge from equip. Edivad 04:31, 7 October 2010 (PDT)

Only got the "attach a suitable shield to his exosuit" message, no drop. Level 11 gadgeteer, no +to-hit or +to-dodge, a bit of +ranged damage, and 10 DA. --TeKRunneR 04:43, 7 October 2010 (PDT)

Lvl 11 Elemental 225 Defense(natural -- no buffs) 114 HP 50% acid 5% fire, ice, electrical and he buffed aura and defense plus used pink, grey, and yellow buttons -- no drops jpsteel 8 Oct 2010

I just managed to get the vest, and indeed with the vest message. My method was to randomly buff myself with over 40 buffs. I don't think I had more than two adjustments. The Mick had 1200 HP compared to my 130 and he hit me for 128 on the first turn, so it was a close call. TNT ftw. --Muhandes 11:42, 10 October 2010 (PDT)

I'm pretty sure the Mick scales with + toughness -- I got the coin message with no buffs and +13 toughness. Also, I noticed he hits harder when you add + toughness -- jpsteel 15 Oct 2010

Ryme confirmed in chat earlier that + toughness is indeed one of the ways (not the only) to get the blue chip to drop -- jpsteel 16 Oct 2010

+1 FT from the silver necklace wasn't enough to trigger the coin. +13 from the Coon's cap was enough. Also, +7 from the coil was enough. --NardoLoopa 05:54, 21 October 2010 (PDT)

I got the blue chip with no FT and my guess is when I got concussed (8th Buff) it triggered. -- jpsteel 22 Oct 2010

Once again I got the blue chip trigger with 7 "active effects" and no blue chip trigger with 6 "active effects" so at this point I'm going to speculate the blue chip triggers with >5 FT or 7+ active effects. jpsteel 2 Nov 2010

Strategies & Combat Mechanics

My hypothesis is that if you fought The Mick the day before (and didn't beat him) then when you fight him the next day you'll have an absurdly good chance at beating him. Case in point: I lost to him yesterday. Today I went into combat with only my starting Slingshot (Gadgetteer). He owned me without any armor doing more than maxhp on the first hit. However, with some shoddy gear (105 total power, no other effects), I was able to last 6 rounds (he mostly did 12+12 dam). In that time my Slingshot did 85damage for a single hit, and 140damage for a double hit. --NardoLoopa 06:07, 21 October 2010 (PDT)
-i doubt it. i've managed to lose to him 5 days in a row and he has not been easier after any given loss. --uewebawo 12:34, 22 October 2010 (EDT)