What Are GM Scripts?
You can use Greasemonkey scripts in Firefox if you have the Greasemonkey add on.
Definition of Greasemonkey: Wikipedia "... Greasemonkey is an add-on to Firefox that allows "scripts" to be run on selected webpages, to alter the way they are displayed."
Top Pane scripts
- Rest Link (by Sounos) - Adds "Rest" after "Somerset".
- Radiation Lab / Sickbay (by Sounos) - Adds links to Heal HP/MP at the Space Station.
- MD link (by Heather Robinson, based on Muhandes) - Adds a link to the Memento Display.
Side Pane scrips
- TH_XP Status v2 (by Questionário, based on Chathzzar) - Changes the XP text to a Graphical Status Bar (to Level 1000).
- TH HP_PP Status (by Heather Robinson, based on Chathzzar) - Changes the HP and PP text to a Graphical Status Bar.
Inventory/Items/MD scripts
- TH Outfit Manager (by Sounos) - Adds the ability to create outfits and switch between them.
- Quick assembly and welding in Twilight Heroes (by bamse) - Makes it easier to assemble and weld things. (Item lists updated by Delassa 08/18/2010 Here)
- Quick assembly and welding v2 (updated by Delassa) - Updated version that uses the table's on the wiki for the assembly and welding lists.
- THwiki by livercat (by livercat) - Adds a small "w" to items which links to the wiki page. (Note: breaks Twilight Heros Adventure Script).
- TH_SellCubeItems (by Chathzzar) - Sells all but 1 for all "Cube Theater" items.
- autobox (by Heather Robinson) - Adds a button to for getting and equiping black box.
- auto-use *ouch items (by Heather Robinson) - Adds a button for using daily use items.
- popup wiki links (by Delassa) - Adds a link in item popup descriptions to that items wiki page.
Adventuring scripts
- TH_ChoiceSelectionSaver (by Chathzzar) - Saves choices of non-combat adventures.
- Twilight Heros Adventure Script (by Heather Robinson, based on ClownHammer) - Auto adventuring script. (Doesn't work well with THwiki)
- Running is for wimps (by Satan) - Removes the run away button.
General/Other scripts
- TH Color changer (by bamse) - Change background colors with a drop-down menu.
- TH auto enter chat (by Muhandes) - Automatically enters chat.
Obsolete/Not Working/Lost
- Level Progress (by Sounos) - Adds an XP bar (to level 31).
- TH_XP Status (by Chathzzar) - Changes the XP text to a Graphical Status Bar (to Level 150).
- Stationary Combat Buttons v2 (by Sounos) - Adds stationary action buttons (attack, skill, item, run, next).
- Twilight Heroes - Label Mods (by Amanda Kerik) - Puts a (Mod) before the names of the mods.
- Casino Bouncer (by Zelandoni) - No longer available.
- TH_ContinuousAttack (by Chathzzar) - Auto-adventuring with a counter.
- MD fix (by Heather Robinson) - Moves the Memento Display form to the top of the page.