The International House of Nothing

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The International House of Nothing
Location: Echo of Downtown
Unlocks: At Mar 7th, 2015

This building looks much like the International House of Auctions, except the layer of dust on everything is due to construction rather than years of disuse.

A poor man in bifocals explains their daring plan: to open a route between the present (or past, you guess) and future (errr, present) to enable trade. Unfortunately, work has stopped due to a lack of funds and repeated villain attacks from across the timestream.

So if you have some spare quarter chips, you're pretty sure he wouldn't say "no."

With no ancient quarter chips:

The workers unfortunately only take quarter chips. Anything more than that will upset their ability to explain to their grandkids how little a car used to cost.


You currently have X ancient quarter chips.

Then, if you have given an ancient quarter chip:

You've already given them a quarter chip.

Or, if you have given more than one ancient quarter chip:

You've already given them X quarter chips.


When giving one ancient quarter chip:

You offer one quarter chip. A worker looks at it in wonder and returns to work for the day.

Wow, how times have changed.

When giving 2 to 4 ancient quarter chip:

You offer X quarter chips. The X workers accept them with awe and return to work for the day.

Wow, how times have changed.

When giving 5 or more ancient quarter chip:

You offer X quarter chips... not (X*0.25) chips. That's apparently totally different.

Anyway, X workers return to work for the day.