Mister Tea

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Revision as of 16:56, 5 December 2007 by BongBob (talk | contribs) (New page: Go back to Items by Name center The lid to this plastic bottle has a strange vertical tab, and the whole thing is decorated in black and gold. A slogan toward th...)
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Go back to Items by Name

The lid to this plastic bottle has a strange vertical tab, and the whole thing is decorated in black and gold. A slogan toward the top reads "Cures your bad attitude!" Just out of curiosity you glance at the marketing text on the back, which suggests that this tea will revitalize athletes of all types, from boxers and gymnasts to team sports players. Though you're skeptical, it also suggests that Mister Tea will turn junior varsity players into varsity players: "You'll be A-team material in no time!" it claims.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 50


Drop Locations

Can sometimes be purchased at the Black Market for 500 chips.

When Comsumed

You twist the cap off of the bottle and look underneath. A message written there says: I pity the fool that don't stay in school. Despite the silly message, you drink the tea anyway. You begin to feel hale, hearty, honest, and humorous, in roughly that order.

Bedtime: +105 minutes


Obvious reference to Mr. T of the A Team.


Caffeination level of 6