The Traveling Star

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Item Number: 200
Description ID: 5465243
(view in-game)

The Traveling Star
Plural: Unknown
This star is passed from hero to hero. If received, you must follow the rules or else be hated in-game forever!

+20 to maximum HP
+20 to maximum PP
It is possible to keep this item upto 1 week.

How Obtained


How Obtained

Transferred from one person to another.


You may keep it for upto 1 week, at which time it must be sent to the next person.


1)As mentioned twice above, you may keep the star upto 1 week. 2)You may not sell the star or use the star for your own gain. It may only be worn or passed on. 3)A person can only receive the star once. (Make sure you check the archive section to see who has received it thus far.) 4)Send the message you receive with the star, along with the star when you send it along.


Malk-a-mite--->hero of the universe--->