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Item Number: 474
Description ID: 6017506
(view in-game)

Plural: Unknown
This appears to be just a regular ol' harmonica. It can make a noise all out of proportion with its size and shape, but otherwise there's nothing particularly unusual about it.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 30

How Obtained


Gets you a sidekick/companion.

How Obtained

When Used

  • If you already have a diffrent sidekick:

You take a couple of puffs on the harmonica, but your sidekick complains loudly about the noise, so you put it away again.

  • first use without any sidekick:

You sit down on a door stoop and play a few bars on the harmonica. It's fun, but not very good. A man wanders by and says, "Man, that's one fine harmonica you've got there. Tell ya what. If you let me have it, I'll give you half of my earnings for the evening. Whaddya say?" You figure that's a better use than you would have gotten out of it, so you agree. (Duration: 45 minutes.)

  • with the blues musician sidekick

You hand the blues musician another harmonica, in exchange for an extension of his services.


  • It's a mob drop added with the new sidekick code (late June 2008).
  • Gives you a Blues Musician sidekick for 45 minutes. After each combat (not non-combat patrols) you receive the message: Your musician friend plays some blues harmonica, and collects some chips from passerby, which he splits with you. You gain 40 chips.

See Also