Talk:Rest for a turn

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Revision as of 03:13, 18 July 2008 by Tycho Everett (talk | contribs) (more data)
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Recovery of HP and PP is random and is level-dependent. "Pocket Paperback" is a critical success (~x2), the others are all more or less the same. Here's some raw data on HP and PP recovered:

Lvl 1 Resting: 5/4 5/4 5/5 9/10' 5/4 8/7 5/4 5/5 4/4 4/5 5/4 4/4 4/4 4/5 5/5 4/4 4/4 4/5 5/5 5/4 5/4 7/9 5/5 5/4 5/5 8/10 4/4 8/10 5/4 5/4 6/5 7/5 11/10' 5/5 6/5

Lvl 2 Resting: 9/9 7/7 7/7 10/8 8/9 8/10 11/14 7/7 15/13 7/9 9/8 13/10 7/9 6/10 8/8 9/9 12/11 7/7 8/9 10/10 10/8 12/13 10/7 7/7 9/9 7/7 9/8 9/10 8/8 11/14 9/7 7/9 7/9 10/7 10/9 10/10 13/12 10/10 15/10' 11/9 12/8 12/8 9/8 10/7 10/8 13/11' 9/9 17/12'

Lvl 3 Resting: 14/13 15/13 15/16 18/15 14/20 9/8 11/15 10/15 9/7 8/8 14/14 14/20 12/15 13/10 11/11 11/15 10/15 10/14 12/13 10/14 11/15 15/13 11/13 13/13 7/8 14/15 11/15 10/12 16/20 17/10 21/19 14/10 16/17 16/14 17/10 12/10 9/8 17/13 17/11 11/9 12/11 13/11 13/10 11/8 13/15 10/10 10/9 21/19'

Lvl 4 Resting: 18/14 18/15 20/13 13/15 21/17 16/15 19/18 14/11 18/17 18/18 20/17 15/17 13/13 14/16 18/17 19/19 11/12 24/24 24/21 22/18 13/19 24/22 10/11 23/22 18/15 19/20 13/11 14/17 19/19 22/20 15/13 23/24 17/14 18/15 19/13 27/23 20/19 15/18 21/12 15/13 21/19 13/13 23/16' 19/19 24/25' 15/14 16/12 15/18 19/18 18/16 14/15 19/16 15/13 25/16' 22/14 27/16' 18/17 17/13 15/13 16/17 18/14 21/14 22/14 18/13 19/17 24/18' 20/18 18/17 16/14 20/16 21/16 24/18

Lvl 5 Resting: 16/17 16/21 13/14 27/26 19/17 19/24 19/30 19/23 17/25 28/26 22/23 30/30 30/23 24/16 25/21 25/25 24/24 19/24 18/13 19/24 26/24 18/19 32/28 27/17 17/20 25/22 20/16 24/18 29/23' 20/22 25/17 20/17 23/26' 18/19 14/21 24/20 24/19 20/18 20/20 30/22' 19/17 21/21 30/27' 20/17 18/20 18/15 26/16 21/22 26/17 16/24 30/24' 27/21 19/22

Lvl 6 Resting: 23/19 18/23 19/29 29/25 20/27 21/22 23/27 29/31' 16/22 24/29 29/27 28/23 17/20 19/22 25/19 31/35' 22/21 18/23 25/29 15/18 28/21 29/28' 27/23 32/34' 27/21

Lvl 7 Resting: 33/39 36/35 33/21 28/22 27/20 34/25 28/30 24/34 26/28 37/37 34/37 40/33 28/25 20/26 30/21 34/29 33/27 25/27 39/39 23/33 35/32' 22/27 25/34 34/29 27/28 27/29 24/26 30/25 23/29 23/25 29/27 28/35 34/25 27/29 34/29' 34/34 30/29 32/31

Lvl 8 Resting: 37/30 34/31 24/36 31/40 29/27 37/27 29/22 39/40 39/40 38/32'

Lvl 9 Resting: 42/36' 27/25 29/30 32/36 40/35' 29/32 34/40 28/41 30/33 38/35' 30/30 35/41 35/32' 40/35 29/32 40/32' 38/38 38/33 34/37' 40/40 30/29 37/27 26/29 29/40 34/35 34/38 28/40 34/34 26/30 27/37 29/31 34/39 34/40 27/36

Level 10 Resting: 31/29 38/40 40/39 40/37 40/37 35/40 40/40 33/39 32/40

Lvl 16-25 Resting: (about ~ 40/40 per) 40/41 42/40 42/40

--Tycho Everett 16:51, 2 July 2008 (MST) Updated... should be enough to deconstruct the algorithm. --Tycho Everett 20:13, 17 July 2008 (MST)