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Resting Messages
- A friend calls you on your cell phone, and you take a break from patrolling to chat for a bit.
- You rest for a while to re-energize.
- You spend some time reading a pocket paperback and feel recharged.
- You stop in at a convenience store for a light snack and a bottle of water. You feel refreshed.
- You take a seat on a park bench and practice some light meditation.
- You gain X hit points. You gain X power points.
- On average, resting will give you roughly 4*Level HP and 4*Level PP, capping at roughly 40 HP and PP at 10th level.
- Resting for a turn requires 5 minutes for a 1st level hero, but decreases by 30 seconds at every 4th level (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th) down to a minimum of 2:30 per rest. Resting is unaffected by Xentrium breastplate and the like.
- Resting time can be decreased through several means. More data is needed. (?)