Talk:I Have a Bridge to Sell You

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Revision as of 13:12, 25 July 2008 by Harry Dresden (talk | contribs)
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It looks like it has color and it also looks like a Empty picture frame so i'm thinking it has to do with how many avatars you have.--Reaper 20:01, 21 July 2008 (MST)

  • I'll tell you this much: it's not a frame, it's a mirror (look at the image name). It has nothing to do with custom avatars. Cristiona

Is this the poetry badge that Ryme was hinting about? --chuwenhsuan

I attempted to visit the Hero's Guild once with every different reputation, didn't get a badge. --LeaChim 08:32, 24 July 2008 (MST)

has anyone apart from Cristiona recieved this badge? Yamum

I have to say that I like the idea of donating to the snowflake leaderboard a certain number of times, possibly all in a row. It might be an expensive badge to get. --Harry Dresden 06:12, 25 July 2008 (MST)