Fighting Club
Fighting Club
Plural: Fighting Clubs
You wouldn't think it's necessary, but this fancy club comes with its own ten-page manual. Weirdly, the first eight pages just have the same rule repeated over and over again. I'd tell you what it says, but I'm not really supposed to talk about it. There's some good stuff when you get to page nine, though, like a recipe for making the special soap you're supposed to use to keep the club clean.
The last page is crammed with diagrams explaining how to best use the club to make you a tougher, scrappier fighter. It's specific to the Fighting Club's unique design, but you think you could put it to good use.
Melee weapon (Unknown)
Power: 10
Item cannot be auto-sold
+X offense power (+10/level, max: 100).
+20% Strength
+10 Melee damage
+5% of weapon damage returned as HP
You do know Jack. Specifically, Jack's physiology.
How Obtained
- Available for 10 ilver stars during June of 2008.
The item's name, description, and attack messages all reference Fight Club.