Bowl of oil
bowl of oil
Plural: Unknown
This is a little ceramic bowl filled partway up with oil. It may not look like much, but rumor has it that it'll go a long way.
Offhand Item
Autosell value: 20
How Obtained
Message from Ryme on December 21.
There's always so much going on around Christmas and it's hard to compete, so how does everyone feel about doing Hanukkah this year instead? Here, have some oil. I hear that's traditional, or something.
Seriously, though, I hope you're having a happy holidays!
Included item: bowl of oil (quantity 1)
When Used
- Gadgeteer
You run the oil product through a series of cookers and distillers until you can't think of any other machinery to apply. When you're done you've got quite a mess..
You got an item: glob of tar - Elementalist
You got an item: ball of fire
Using multiple: Unspecified