Summon Water Buffalo

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Revision as of 15:09, 14 December 2007 by Lizard (talk | contribs)
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You can summon to your side a surprisingly dangerous animal--the water buffalo. Seriously. It doesn't sound like much, but it can trample a person like nobody's business.

Buff Cost: 20 PP

The water buffalo tosses your opponent up in the air with its horns, doing x goring damage.


The water buffalo charges and tramples your foe, doing y damage.


The water buffalo bellows and stomps one hoof, but does nothing.

x seems to equal (level +/- 20%), y seems to equal [(level +/- 20%) *2]

Acts 70% of the time, with an even split between regular attacks and goring.

This buff cannot be in effect simultaneously with Summon Wolf. If cast while Summon Wolf is active, Summon Water Buffalo will replace it entirely. The time remaining from the previous buff does not get added on to the 60 minutes of the new buff.