Vlad's Decryptonomicon software

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Item Number: 203
Description ID: 6794584
(view in-game)


Vlad's Decryptonomicon software
Plural: bits of Vlad's Decryptonomicon software
The picture on the cover of this box shows some sort of undead creature leaving a graveyard. The implication being, I suppose, that the software is good for de-crypting things. In a most painful (and pun-ful) fashion. Or they're marketing themselves to the undead. Hard to say, really.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15

How Obtained

University Heights

When Used

If you don't have it installed:

You pop in the CD and install the software. It's now on your computer(s) and can be run any time.

(enables decrypting ripped swipe card and mangled data plate in your Computer Lab)

If you already have it installed:

You've already got this installed and thus don't need to install it again.

Using multiple: Unspecified


  • "Decryptonomicon" is a reference to the fictional Necronomicon (a fictional book from the stories of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and also The Book of the Dead in many of Lovecraft's other stories.)