Mummers' gloves
Mummers' gloves
Plural: Unknown
This is a pair of very, very old gloves which have been used for centuries in the traditional art of the Mummers' Play (traditionalists hate it when you call it "mummery", so don't do that). These gloves have been exposed to all sorts of strange energies from when they were worn by mummers and guisers as they performed their traditional silent plays.
Yes, that's right, these are gloves that have been exposed to generations of mimes. You shudder when you consider the implications of that.
Power: 5
Item cannot be auto-sold
Can generate an invisible box 5 times per day.
Occasionally perpetrates mimery.
Increased chance of noncombat adventures.*
+5% Reflexes
* Combat and noncombat chances can only be increased up to a maxiumum[sic] of 4 units, which is 20%.
How Obtained
- Available for 10 silver stars during June of 2009.
- Available for 10 silver stars during June of 2009.
When Used
You throw up your hands and slam them against and invisible wall. No matter what you do, you can't seem to get out! For some reason, your opponents can't get through either. You gain an effect: Invisibly Boxed. (Added for 30 minutes.)
Using multiple: Unspecified