Talk:Creepy Old House

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Revision as of 07:14, 16 June 2009 by Satan (talk | contribs)

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Furnace of Yeb (+50% weapon damage, +50 fire damage, +10% of weapon damage returned as HP)
2 glasses of Leng
1 milk of Shupnikkurat
1 Nathian sphere shard
3 seeds of Azathoth
1 squamous leather
2 samples of The Black
50,000 chips

Mirror of Nitocris
4 glasses of Leng
2 vials of milk of Shupnikkurat
3 Nathian sphere shards
1 seed of Azathoth
50,000 chips

Pallid Mask (Allows soul gazing., +10 XP per combat, +20% Strength, +20% Intellect, +20% Reflexes)
2 glasses of Leng
1 milk of Shupnikkurat
5 squamous leathers
2 samples of The Black
50,000 chips

Ring of Solis
3 glasses of Leng
3 Nathian sphere shards
3 seeds of Azathoth
1 The Black
50,000 chips

There's also a Torch of Nug, but in my excitement I didn't record it and instead bought it. And this isn't all of them, I think. It's hard to say still. --MN (#228) (T|C) 05:36, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

Furnace of Yeb doesn't have 10% HP sap, that's Torch of Nug. Furnace is the ranged 'copy' with +5 ranged attacks. - Satan

Trident of Nodens (ranged, +attacks, PP%/HP% leech, assorted elemental)
2 Lemurian fragments
1 poisonous hide
1 seed of Azathoth
1 The Black
30,000 chips

Crystallizer of Dreams (offhand, +%physical resist, +spell damage, +%init)
3 Lemurian fragments
2 seeds of Azathoth
30,000 chips

Vambraces of the Star Spawn (gloves, -toughness, 10 damage to attacker, -fumble chance)
2 poisonous hides
1 horrid tentacle
2 squamous leathers
30,000 chips

Robe of Summanus (full body, +noncombats, +criticals, +%ele resist, +reputation modifiers)
1 Lemurian fragment
1 poisonous hide
1 seed of Azathoth
2 squamous leathers
30,000 chips

More stuff; less straight-up powerful, but it fills the other equipment slots quite nicely, along with offering a less brute-force approach to things. I've also come into possession of a Shining Trapezohedron (accessory, +noncombats, +10HP/turn, +~3 new sidekick summons per day), though I didn't bother recording the recipe for that. --JazzTap 06:02, 16 June 2009 (UTC)