Polyphonic spree-gun

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Item Number: Unknown
Description ID: 8683908
(view in-game)

polyphonic spree-gun
Plural: Unknown
A spree-gun does much what it says: it provides an unconstrained outburst that goes just about everywhere. In this case, as a blast of sound. It's not the safest thing to operate, but if you can take the heat it's a fantastic way to torch the kitchen. Metaphorically speaking of course. There's no fire here, just sound.

Ranged weapon (Unknown)
Power: 130
Level Required: 13
Autosell value: 155
+10% Reflexes
Take 1 sonic damage per round of combat
+30 sonic damage
-10 weapon damage (ranged or melee)

How Obtained

polysteel needler
polyphonic spree-gun