Grey robot

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Revision as of 18:33, 10 September 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (mult)
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Item Number: 489
Description ID: 6589218
(view in-game)

grey robot
Plural: grey robots
This is a deactivated robot. You can't tell much about it, other than it's covered in grey metal. Well, and it's a robot.

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be traded or sold
Autosell value: 150

Unknown Modifier

How Obtained

titanium plating robotics kit
grey robot

When Used

This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
You activate the grey robot. The first thing it does is shout "Jimmy Six can do tricks!" and then wheels around, waving its arms in a confusing fashion. (Duration: 120 minutes.)
You wire the power pack from one robot into the other one to give it extended life.
  • When you have a different companion:
You've already got a sidekick and don't need another one.

Sidekick/companion: Grey robot

Using multiple: Same as single use


  • The image is Johnny 5 from the movie Short Circuit. The same is hinted by "Jimmy Six" in the activation message.