Gestalt postcard

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Item Number: 911
Description ID: 8328493
(view in-game)

gestalt postcard
Plural: gestalt postcards
Gestalt is a German word that, at least in artistic circles, roughly translates to, "I can't pick any specific aspect of this work to sound pretentious about so I'll just drop some buzzwords about the overall effect of the piece."

Miscellaneous Item
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How Obtained

Exchange at Sherlock & Poirot, Crime Analysts for 2 crimebusters IOUs

When Used

You study the postcard, which contains a picture of a tree and the phrase, "The whole is greater than the parts." You don't really get it, so you look at the tree some more. Still nothing. You contemplate the parts: roots + trunk + branches + leaves, and compare that to your understanding of what a tree really is. Ah, there it goes! You gain an effect: Synergy Energy. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple:
You study the postcards, which contain a picture of a tree and the phrase, "The whole is greater than the parts." You don't really get it, so you look at the tree some more. Still nothing. You contemplate the parts: roots + trunk + branches + leaves, and compare that to your understanding of what a tree really is. Ah, there it goes! You gain an effect: Synergy Energy. (Added for some minutes.)
