Rubber yo-yo

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Item Number: 500
Description ID: 8017458
(view in-game)

rubber yo-yo
Plural: rubber yo-yos
Nobody in their right mind would think a yo-yo was a reasonable thing to use as a weapon, but here this thing is. It's made out of a hard rubber spindle, firm enough to hurt but not really solid enough to cause any permanent damage. A loop of flexible metal chain serves as the string. And if the disks ever actually hit anything, they lose their rotation and you've got to wind them up manually again, making it a particularly impractical fighting device.

Ranged weapon (Archaic blunt)
Power: 4
Level Required: 2
Item cannot be traded or sold
Autosell value: 100
Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+2 PvP tentative attack

How Obtained

The Arena Armory (exchanged for 20 lambda tokens)