Flying above Twilight

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Revision as of 09:57, 15 November 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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Flying above Twilight
Location: Downtown Twilight
Unlocks: flying
Combat %: 0
Foe XP range: unspecified
UR: Rabid airborne rodent
ID: 28

Trying to adventure here without the ability to fly (for example using the last location link) will get you:

You shout loudly, "Up, up, and away!" but nothing much happens. Oh, right. You can't fly. Embarassed, you peer around to make sure nobody saw you and then slink off into the darkness.

Combat Adventures

Rabid airborne rodent

Item Drops: Ultimate Aviator Goggles

Experience Gained: 105

Notes: Ultra-rare

Noncombat Adventures

Do the Dew

Fastest Commute Ever

  • Experience: ~base Reflexes, cap level*12

Mapquest: Fastest Quest Ever

  • Experience: ~base Intellect, cap level*12

One Good Turn Deserves Another

  • Experience: ~base Strength, cap level*12

Static Villains

Reptauron, the Flying Lizard

Item Drops: Reptauron's egg