A renegade robot hive

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A renegade robot hive
Location: Heavy Industry District
Combat %: 90
Foe XP range: unspecified
ID: 8

Combat Adventures

battle drone

Item Drops: fusion pack, laser cannon, plasteel plating, quantum hopper

Experience Gained: 116

Health: 140


Item Drops: lepton mesh, photonic chiller, plasteel plating, titanium plating

Experience Gained: 114

Health: 145


Item Drops: plasteel plating, positron originator, shell casing

Experience Gained: 120

Health: 125


Item Drops: eye podule, oculum felis, pathway imager, plasteel plating

Experience Gained: 110

Health: 125

Noncombat Choice Adventures


Static Villains

The Hemisesquicentennial Man

Item Drops: Hemisesquicentennial placeholder


  • Each of the combats is equally likely.