Barcoded picture frame

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Revision as of 10:50, 2 December 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (If it's worth it to get one, it is worth it to get two)
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Item Number: 949
Description ID: 1143289
(view in-game)

barcoded picture frame
Plural: barcoded picture frames
This is a picture frame with the barcoded sticker placed in an unfortunate location right in the middle of the glass. Even more unfortunate, it's a very old sticker made with very strong glue. In other words, put whatever picture behind it that you like, it's still going to look like a picture of a barcode.

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold

Grants an avatar image when used. (Unlike the empty picture frame, this is a specific image, not an image of your choice.)

How Obtained

Exchange at Sherlock & Poirot, Crime Analysts for 100 crimebusters IOUs

When Used

You've unlocked a new avatar! ... of a barcode?

If you already have the avatar:

You've already got one of those and don't really need another.

Using multiple: Unspecified


  • Gives access to this avatar:
  • Is not consumed upon usage.
  • Deciphering the numbers at the bottom of the barcode through simple numeric transcription (a=1, b=2, etc.) yields the phrase OVERRATED. This may or may not be an intentional jab at the relative worthlessness of such a difficult to obtain item.