Talk:Atmos Spear (shortened)

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Revision as of 15:09, 6 December 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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The lightning strike ID is #255--Muhandes 09:03, 1 November 2009 (UTC)

You grip the Atmos Spear tightly and reach up into the skies above with your mind. Energy gathers at your call, pooling in the sky and then blasting downward to sear your opponent with a massive jolt of electricity. Your opponent takes 316 damage.

Your opponent takes 237 damage.

Your opponent takes 173 damage.

Your opponent takes 104 damage.

Your opponent takes 78 damage.

Against a single Thunderclap in RvW. Of course, I had strikeback going, but there's some numbers. Cristiona

That fits with 0.25*remaining HP, which fits my data point too. Here's the math:
If a foe has X HP and something hits it for fraction A the damage is A*X. The foe has X*(1-A) remaining HP. If you hit again the damage is A*X*(1-A). So if you divide the second hit by the first you get [A*X*(1-A)]/[A*X]=1-A. Do that on any of the hits you did and you get A=0.25 --Muhandes 15:09, 6 December 2009 (UTC)