SQUID disc: Humans in the Desert

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Item Number: 989
Description ID: 1807590
(view in-game)

SQUID disc: Humans in the Desert
Plural: SQUID discs: Humans in the Desert
Here we have the digital memoirs of a monkey. Well, okay, it's the memoirs of a chimp, but the label on the disc calls him a monkey. I guess they thought it would make the tale seem more gripping. Or maybe the publisher just didn't like the author.

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 10
Autosell value: 200

How Obtained

Triassic Park and Bestiary

When Used

Without some type of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You'd like to use the SQUID disc, but you don't have a device capable of playing it.

With some kind of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You load the disc into your SQUID player. Mister Bobo tells a gripping tale of his experiences studying and gradually befriending a pack of humans out in the desert ... i.e., in the city of Twilight. At the end he takes the humans for all they're worth and leaves them stranded out in Area 54. The story is both thrilling and educational. You gain ?-305-375-? XP.

Using multiple:
Without some type of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You'd like to use the SQUID disc, but you don't have a device capable of playing it.

With some kind of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You load the discs into your SQUID player. Mister Bobo tells a gripping tale of his experiences studying and gradually befriending a pack of humans out in the desert ... i.e., in the city of Twilight. At the end he takes the humans for all they're worth and leaves them stranded out in Area 54. The story is both thrilling and educational. You gain some XP.