User talk:Zillow

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Revision as of 02:23, 10 May 2010 by Zillow (talk | contribs)
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This table might be slightly off for the Internet because scaling foes and non-combats were not counted (only villians most likely because I think I was in the castle where I don't use non-combats)

Without Improved Computer Interaction

Adventures Positronic - Internet Positronic - Giganto Mummers - Reflex Mummers - Strength Mummers - Intellect Day
100 5 7 2 1 0 Starsday
200 15 18 7 5 8 Frayday
91 5 7 2 4 6 Sunday
92 14 7 3 0 1 Moonday

Suggesting (8.1% ± 2.5%) for the internet and (8.1% ± 2.5%) for the giganto

With one source of Improved Computer Interaction

Adventures Positronic - Internet Positronic - Giganto Non-Internet Day
175 23 10 8 Moonday

Suggesting (13.8% ± 5.3%) for the internet and (5.7% ± 3.5%) for Giganto

With two sources of Improved Computer Interaction

Adventures Positronic - Internet Positronic - Giganto Non-Internet Day
145 23 15 8 Moonday

Suggesting (16.8% ± 6.4%) for the internet and (10.3% ± 5.1%) for Giganto