Talk:Ticketmaster's ticket punch
Brutalized the BSOD with one:
Using the Ticketmaster's ticket punch, you punch your opponent's ticket, in the most violently metaphorical possible interpretation of that phrase. You deal 1514 damage.
You also gain 500 XP for the experience of delivering a blow that fierce.
Level *10 plus/minus a fudge factor perhaps? I'm currently 153 Cristiona
Aaaaand, 1546 against a sketchy dealer.
vs a Prowler (QDDDF): 1513, 1514, 1527, 1535, 1512 Cristiona
On Molly Jones (level 2) against a big thug: 31 damage (she only had one) Cristiona 05:45, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
Fudge factor can be 0: Using the Ticketmaster's ticket punch, you punch your opponent's ticket, in the most violently metaphorical possible interpretation of that phrase. You deal 1530 damage. (at level 153) Cristiona