Talk:Supersolid mettle medal

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Revision as of 07:38, 6 October 2010 by Cristiona (talk | contribs) (Joke mercilessly murdered on the altar of explanation)
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I spotted this on someone, but don't know how it's made. I suspect that it's made by assembling two heavy mettle medals. --hoyifung04 08:52, 3 October 2010 (PDT)

It mentions a 'talisman' in its, when this is disassembled, do you get anything special? Just a wild theory, but maybe worth testing. Edivad 10:08, 3 October 2010 (PDT)

That's just a joke. Cristiona
I should probably explain since people are confused. The mention of the talisman is because, in Twilight, having a talisman is what makes you a superhero, and this is a supersolid medal. I thought it was clear in the description, but I guess not. As for the quantum comment, it was recently postulated that supersolids were possible and that their weird properties will allow solids to pass through each other without resistance, thus allowing the fictional talisman to pass into the metal because the metal is a supersolid. Cristiona

Nope. Nothing special from disassembling it. Shame. Edivad 04:19, 4 October 2010 (PDT)