Level Mechanics

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This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
Needs numbers

There is no level cap. With the introduction of retcon, the XP requirements for each level were changed, and spading the formula is still an ongoing effort.

Jump to first 25, next 25, levels 50 and above.

First 25 Levels

For the first 25 levels, you must Train at the Heroes' Guild

Level Total XP Required XP to gain Chips Required
2 100 +50 200
3 450 +350 500
4 1,300 +850 1,000
5 2,900 +1,600 2,000
6 5,400 +2,500 2,500
7 9,000 +3,600 3,000
8 13,900 +4,900 3,500
9 20,300 +6,400 4,000
10 28,400 +8,100 4,500
11 38,400 +10,000 5,000
12 50,000 +11,600 5,000
13 63,000 +13,000 5,000
14 77,500 +14,500 5,000
15 93,500 +16,000 5,000
16 111,000 +17,500 5,000
17 130,000 +19,000

Levels 26 through 50

For the next 25 levels, you must Train with the Nagual Mystic. You must present 45 infernal claws and 15 fiendish skulls so that the Nagual Mystic will agree to train you.

  • You need to pay your current level * 100 chips upon leveling.

Levels 50+

For levels above 50, training is provided in the Aquasson Base, the fee paid in logos instead of chips. The logo price starts at 20 and goes up 1 every 5 levels starting with level 54.

  • The formula for the numbers of logos required per level is floor((level - 4)/5) + 11


  • The original level cap was 20, followed by a brief cap at 25, before a long-standing cap at 50. With the advent of the Space Station, the level cap was finally abolished.