Alfred bear

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Revision as of 07:51, 19 December 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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Item Number: 1420
Description ID: 7890583
(view in-game)

Alfred bear
Plural: Alfred bears
An adorable little bear in a butler's uniform. Don't let his innocuous appearance fool you: he may not be a rough rider, but he has a wealth of experience thanks to the SAS.

Yes, it was briefly a radio-controlled robot bent on domination and destruction, but the radio has been deactivated so it's perfectly safe now. Probably.

Offhand Item
Autosell value: 30

+1 damage absorption
Cute and cuddly!

How Obtained

Seedy Casinos

When Used

You pick up the cute little toy and give it what has to be just the biggest hug ever!

When Returned through [return to owner]

You send <player> cute little toy. How nice!

Trying to return the item to yourself:
You decide that you don't need to send this item to yourself. Why not save the postage fees?

Effect on Receiver:
<sender> just sent you a cute little toy. Awww!

Included item: Alfred bear (quantity 1)


  • More specifically, the SAS training means this refers to the portrayal of Alfred by Michael Caine in the movies Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
