Computer Lab

From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 27 December 2010 by Kurg (talk | contribs) (computers that are decrypting cannot be exchanged(found this the hard way). Should eventually add the in-game message.)
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The Computer Lab is Part of your Hideout

This is your hideout computer lab. There's enough space in the computer lab for two computers. Your current computer setup consists of:

With nothing installed

Computer Bay 1
No computer installed

Computer Bay 2
No computer installed

Change computer setup: Install a (electronic/positronic computer) into (computer bay 1/2) (Install Now)


You don't have any computers to install at this time.

With Computer(s) Installed

Computer Bay 1
Electronic computer or Positronic computer
Running: (Update software on Both Computers)

Computer Bay 2
Electronic or Positronic computer

Change computer setup:
Install a (electronic/positronic computer) into (computer bay 1/2) (Install Now)


You don't have any computers to install at this time.


After installing a computer and setting the software to Vlad's Decryptonomicon software you get set it to decrypt either ripped swipe card or mangled data plate.

Decrypting takes 45 minutes on an electronic computer and 30 minutes on a positronic computer.

Depending on what you chose to decrypt and on what machine you get the message:

You plug the ripped swipe card/mangled data plate into your computer and tell it to start decrypting. The software says it will probably require 30/45 minutes of uninterrupted work to finish the decryption. (Added for 30/45 minutes.)

You gain one of these four effects, depending on what you decrypt and on which of the bays:


  • Trying to decrypt an item while another is already decrypted, or while the software running is incorrect (for example from another window) yields:

You can only decrypt an item if the computer is currently running decryption software and isn't busy doing some heavy decrypting at the moment. Either you're not running the right software, or the computer is busy, so it's not gonna work for you right now.

  • You cannot replace a computer that is currently decrypting.