An All-Night Toy Stand

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Revision as of 18:49, 4 February 2011 by Delassa (talk | contribs) (add juggling pins option)
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At one still-busy street coner[sic] you find a cart set up, loaded with toys. It's some sort of all-night toy store. Which, if you think about it, is a pretty questionable business model. What kinds of kids are up all night, out buying toys?

Most of the toys are worthless entertainment, but a few of the items seem like they might be healthy. Do you want to buy anything?

dumbbell 100 chips
electronic crossword 100 chips
juggling pins 100 chips
RNG swing 20 chips
don't buy anything

It's Your Move

When you purchase a dumbbell:

It's a Deal

The clerk takes your 100 chips.

You got an item: dumbbell

When you purchase juggling pins

It's a Deal

The clerk takes your 100 chips.

You got an item: juggling pins
